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Journey Through the Darkness – Available now

For those who want to read about an amazing journey, this book will take you on an amazing adventure into GOD’S plan for those who seek HIS direction. John will take you on a whirlwind trip into his struggle to find GOD in his life from his childhood to his daily walk with his LORD today.
Richard Lebsock
About 11am I was crossing the street, Murray St and stepped in a hole and fractured my foot. I went to the ER and they e-rayed it, they told me it was fractured. They gave me a pill, and a set of crutches. I was homeless at the time, and after I left the hospital I went to the rescue mission. Once I got off the bus and made it across the street, I layed on the grass and was in so much pain. A guy I had seen around the mission came up to me and asked what happened. I told him and then he said, “Can I pray for you?” I agreed, I wasn’t expecting a miracle, I was hoping for anything to relieve the pain. After he prayed for me he said, “Stand on it!” I stood up, I didn’t know what to expect, but God did a miracle, I was instantly healed. The guy was a homeless guy, and we became friends after and have been ever since. The guy was John Moore.
Dave Green

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