best selling author, sci-fantasy, Spiritual, Uncategorized

****Update, Update, Update**** Odysseus’ Bow – Chapter Four

Armed with the knowledge that Ich Bin had shared, they started the climb to the next trial. Sthenno would be more challenging to overcome than the Sphinx or the Nemean Lion. She was a Titan, older even than the Pantheon, more potent than the other foes they had faced and much more deadly. One look… Continue reading ****Update, Update, Update**** Odysseus’ Bow – Chapter Four

best selling author, Marketing, sci-fantasy, Uncategorized

Infinities Gate Get your copy today, at Barnes & Noble or

best selling author, sci-fantasy, Uncategorized

Second 5 Star Review Received at Amazon

best selling author, sci-fantasy, Spiritual, Uncategorized

The Work Goes On.

Sitting in her Great room, the Pantheon suddenly appears in a blinding flash of light. Standing before her is Zeus, Poseidon, Hades, and Appollo


You’ve done all your pre-release work, and now what?

Before your book hits the market, i.e. for sale, you need to set up all your marketing avenues, get reviews, have beta readers read your work, at least ten people.  Then while it's available for pre-order, get your reviews ready and post them to all your social media accounts and develop a following. If you… Continue reading You’ve done all your pre-release work, and now what?