best selling author, Marketing, Spiritual, Uncategorized

Journey Through the Darkness available in both Kindle and Paperback

best selling author, sci-fantasy, Spiritual

Odysseus’ Bow update.

James McKenzie sat in his office at the University contemplating what had happened, and how his life experiences had brought him to this day. He sat with fingers interlaced, index fingers on the bridge of his nose and his thumbs pressed to his lips. James was a strikingly handsome man. Red hair, slightly graying at… Continue reading Odysseus’ Bow update.

best selling author, sci-fantasy, Uncategorized

What drives you to write?

What drives you to write? In my case it is the desire to share my imagination and the stories that play in my head. Writing has many benefits, it is therapeutic, it is a release, it is an avenue with which you have an opportunity to be creative. Have you ever read a story that… Continue reading What drives you to write?

best selling author, sci-fantasy, Spiritual

Update: Odysseus’ Bow is moving along.

I hope you are as excited as I am about the progress made with Odysseus' Bow. This is the best Tamara Jenkins story to date. I hope the fans of Tamara are ready for an exciting adventure. This new book is going to be a real eye-opener. I have shared some very deep personal insight… Continue reading Update: Odysseus’ Bow is moving along.

best selling author, sci-fantasy, Spiritual, Uncategorized

Progress Report: Odysseus’ Bow

Today as I am sitting here in front of my keyboard, I see many great and wonderful plot twists in the upcoming book. I noticed when I used some editing software for what I have already written, that the software will correct things or point them out and when a reviewer reads your manuscript, you… Continue reading Progress Report: Odysseus’ Bow